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  • #4069079

    What are the best java frameworks to use ?

    by emilycooper2795 ·


    I am working my project and was wondering that which framework of java is better to use

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    • #4069081
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      Re: framework

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to What are the best java frameworks to use ?

      Please tell some background about the project and the frameworks you’re considering to use.

      • #4069084

        Reply To: What are the best java frameworks to use ?

        by emilycooper2795 ·

        In reply to Re: framework

        My project is a web application for a small e-commerce business that aims to provide a user-friendly shopping experience for customers. The application needs to support features such as product browsing, search, cart management, checkout, and payment.

        Regarding the frameworks, I am considering using either Spring or Struts. I have some experience with both of them, but I am not sure which one would be a better fit for my project. Could you please provide me with some recommendations based on this information?

        Thank you in advance for your help.

    • #4069143

      Reply To: What are the best java frameworks to use ?

      by michael.smit22557 ·

      In reply to What are the best java frameworks to use ?

      There are multiple Java frameworks available, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Your particular needs and requirements will determine which Java frameworks are best to use. The most common Java frameworks are listed below:

      Spring Framework is a popular Java EE framework that may be triggered without the help of an application or web server. It is powerful and lightweight. The developers claim that it makes Java simple, contemporary, effective, reactive, and cloud-ready.

      Hibernate: Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that enables Java to interact more successfully with relational database management systems.

      Struts: Struts is a Java framework that follows the component-based MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework model and uses the JSP API extension. To make things easier for the developers, it was decided to obtain and expand the Java Servlet API properties and functionalities.

      The Google Web Toolkit (GWT): When using Google APIs, the Google Web Toolkit is fully featured and powerful for all types of internet applications. The GWT framework stands out from the others on the list due to its capacity to translate Java code into Javascript and provide customization choices.

      Note: commercial link removed by moderator.

      • This reply was modified 2 days, 18 hours ago by michael.smit22557.
      • This reply was modified 1 day, 19 hours ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4069449
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      I’d research the security of either.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to What are the best java frameworks to use ? has many caveats about security.

      If you are debating Struts or Spring then you may want to avoid Struts as you have work to do after you finish your app/site.

      Also, an e-commerce site is now considered a wheel. We buy wheels. Making one from scratch is an idea I might have considered decades ago.

      Story time: About 2005 I consulted a company about a custom e-commerce site. Given the company skills I suggested GoDaddy and thought it was a fine fit. THREE YEARS LATER I was talking with them again and they told me another consultant told them that was a bad idea and for a modest amount (25,000 USD) they would start work on their e-commerce site (full custom job.) After 3 years the company had invested over 150,000 USD and the site was unusable.

      They told me they fired that consultant, hired another that said “did you try GoDaddy?” Finally they did and sales started two weeks later.

      Today they sell on Amazon.

      Tell me again why your client needs a custom Java E-commerce site.

    • #4069880

      Reply To: What are the best java frameworks to use ?

      by gulshan212 ·

      In reply to What are the best java frameworks to use ?

      Hello this is Gulshan Negi
      Well, for a variety of uses, there are numerous popular and widely used Java frameworks available. Your specific use case, requirements, and preferences will determine which Java frameworks are best for you to use.

      Some well-known Java frameworks include:

      1. Spring Framework
      2. Hibernate
      3. Apache Struts
      4. Apache Maven
      5. JUnit
      6. Apache Kafka
      7. Apache Spark
      8. Jersey
      9. Spring Boot

      It is essential to conduct a thorough evaluation before selecting the appropriate framework based on your requirements and expertise.

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