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TechRepublic Premium Hiring kit: Community engagement manager
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TechRepublic Premium Employee termination policy
PURPOSE This policy provides termination guidelines, including the process of disabling former employee access, reclaiming company equipment and finalizing payroll/benefits details. It complements our Employee termination checklist, which should be filled out by involved individuals/departments and can be printed or used in electronic format shared with appropriate personnel. From the policy: POLICY DETAILS Access and ...
TechRepublic Premium Business continuity policy
PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for establishing and following appropriate business continuity requirements. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization. SUMMARY It’s an unfortunate fact of life in today’s world that both natural and man-made disasters can place businesses at risks, both moderate ...
TechRepublic Premium Electronic data retention policy
PURPOSE This policy is designed to help you define requirements and implement practices for ensuring that electronic data is safeguarded in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. From the policy: This policy’s purpose is to help the company and its staff understand their obligations to retain electronic data. This policy applies to all ...
TechRepublic Premium VPN usage policy
PURPOSE As more and more users work from remote locations, the need for secure access to networks, systems and data continues to grow. This policy from TechRepublic Premium provides guidelines to help IT ensure that VPNs are properly deployed and outlines acceptable use policies for end users on company-issued and personal devices. From the policy: ...
TechRepublic Premium User privilege policy
PURPOSE This policy provides guidelines for the delegation of user privileges on organization-owned systems. It also provides guidance for usage of high-privilege or administrator accounts. From the policy: Limiting the use of superuser accounts Users must not use administrator or root accounts — or similarly high-leveled account types — for tasks that do not require ...
TechRepublic Premium How to minimize security risks: Follow these best practices for success
To reduce security threats within your organization, you must prioritize security risk management. Here are some best practices to follow, as well as some top resources from TechRepublic Premium.
TechRepublic Premium Remote access policy
PURPOSE This policy outlines guidelines and processes for requesting, obtaining, using and terminating remote access to organization networks, systems and data. It applies to scenarios where employees connect remotely to in-house data centers as well as offsite facilities, such as cloud providers. From the policy: DETERMINING ELIGIBLE USERS Only users with a demonstrable business need ...
TechRepublic Premium Risk management policy
SUMMARY Risk management involves the practice of addressing and handling threats to the organization in the form of cybersecurity attacks and compromised or lost data. The process of establishing appropriate risk management guidelines is critical to ensure company operations and reputation do not suffer adverse impacts. It’s not an easy process, achieving a sound risk ...
TechRepublic Premium Security incident response policy
The Security Incident Response Policy, from TechRepublic Premium, describes the organization’s process for minimizing and mitigating the results of an information technology security-related incident. From the policy: Whenever a user of an organization-provided computer, device, system, network application, cloud service or platform experiences a suspected technology-related security incident, the individual must immediately notify the IT ...
TechRepublic Premium Offshore work policy
It’s common practice for companies to use offshore employees or contractors in order to offload work to specialized individuals or reduce costs associated with certain tasks and responsibilities. This can free up staff to focus on more complex and valuable initiatives, and also ensure 24×7 operations for companies which rely upon on-call staff and subject-matter ...
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- Hiring Kit: Human resource specialist
- Hiring Kit: Computer Forensic Analyst
- Hiring Kit: Blockchain Engineer